2017 has been the best year of my life. No doubt in that.
And I have nothing in my heart but the greatest gratitude towards the Lord.
It’s been amazing, beyond anything I dreamed of. I traveled so much and had my
heart filled with so many beautiful emotions. It was miraculous and I want to
do this traditional “Haggadah” even though it’s not Easter and recount all the
wonders that God has shown to me this year.
Before we get to that, I want to do a small detour, a short
trip down Memory Lane.
You see, last year when I posted my New Year’s Eve picture I
wrote something like this: “I beat you, 2016! You broke me, but here I am,
standing on my feet!” And some very well-intended friends felt I was being too
melodramatic, some people thought I was exaggerated, others began to worry what
had happened to me that was so terrible and so on… A special thanks to those
who took the time to write and say “Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the
journey. This will turn you into your own superhero.” But to get to the point: sometimes it seems
like society doesn’t want to hear about our troubles, our hardships or how
broken we get every now and then. We use social media to paint the pretty
picture and feel lame to say anything different from that when we stop feeling
so perfect and amazing. But this past year I learned I have the right to tell
my story when I feel it’s time or to not say it at all if it doesn’t feel
right. It was a harder lesson than it seems.
Last December (2016) I had my major breakdown. I got to a
point where I was tired beyond logic, incapable of waking up to go to my second
job, frustrated with everyone around me and depressed. And when it came to say
that, I just couldn’t. Because it wasn’t logical. I didn’t know why I was so
tired. I didn’t know why I was failing. I didn’t know why everything was
falling apart, much less how it could be fixed. So I tried to work my way
around it. I tried to make excuses. And I ended up disappointing some people I
had worked very hard to earning their respect and prove I wasn’t just shit. And
guess what? When my breakdown happened, someone made sure I remembered I was
shit. And failing like that and breaking down was very hard to accept. It was
brutal. I couldn’t understand how after so many years of trying to please everybody
and having it all under control and being able to work myself into exhaustion I
was breaking down. I had to give up everything and stop because I couldn’t do
it anymore. Of course, the next thing that followed was a deep spiritual
crisis. January 2017 was the only time in my life I had seriously considered
leaving my Church community because I couldn’t bear the weight of my sins, my
deceptions, my broken heart and identity. And God knows that community is my
life! That’s probably why after 2 months of trials and tribulations, on the 22nd
of March (one of the most symbolic dates in my recent history) me and God
finally got back to each other and decided to hop on this crazy roller-coaster
What I want to say through this detour is that it’s ok to
say we are broken. It’s more than ok. It’s healthy. It’s necessary. It’s
helpful. It’s irrelevant if other people have it harder than us. We are not in
this life to compare the depths of the shit we’re in. The important thing is to
get through it and find support. Be it in God, family, friends, loved ones or
tourists we meet in hostels. It’s important to share our burdens, acknowledge
our hardships, our problems and our hard times, and also, like I’m about to do,
count our blessings. Yes, it’s been hard. I’ve been through a lot. A lot more
than I’m willing to talk about. I lost people I still can’t go a day without
thinking about. I’ve lost battles I didn’t know I was going to fight. I had to
reshape my entire life and identity. I’ve lost that one too. I lost my faith
and my connection with God. I’ve lost the desire to please everyone. I gained
peace. I gained a vocation. I gained tranquility and happiness in solitude. And
I am very thankful for every step of the way. After the hardest year of my life
came the best one. I am living proof that however bad things seem right now,
however broken or sad, with just a tiny ounce of faith and just the right
amount of letting go, life can turn around in miraculous ways. So here they
are, some of my favorite moments with God from this amazing year:
- Looking at this amazing Christmas tree and remembering from whom all these ornaments came from: family, friends, charity or the year when I myself bought some of them.
- Baking Christmas cookies and sharing them with others and seeing the joy on their faces
- Finally sticking to my Advent Calendar :) (it was about time!)
- Attending a George Balanchine ballet!
- Travelling alone and feeling His presence always with me
- AVISHAI COHEN! - my comfort, my soothing go-to artist: an incredible concert and that amazing picture together!
- Being a christian missionary for a week: the people we met, the silent moments of prayer, that hour we spent together in the garden under the apple trees, the way in which He provided for us every step of the journey
- Surviving Vienna.
- Writing my story in many beautiful places and having the courage to upload it on the blog.
- The trips to Cluj, where I've experienced everything: I've been happy, sad, tired, excited, bleeding, laughing with friends or completely alone, listening to concerts that changed my life and trying to figure out that life. Cluj was God's gift to me for which I had asked with desperate prayers!
- Israel: the home of my spirit :) I have to specially mention our trip up on the deserted hill and all the thoughts and conversations we had for 2-3 very long hours of walking through thistles; the small cheap hostel in Tiberias and the beautiful plantations down the roads
- All the postcards I wrote, some sent, some not, which helped me realize so many things about myself, my heart and my life.
- Bartok, Gustav, Enescu, Wagner, Ceaikovski - the concerts that filled my heart.
- Anca and Ana - the 2 As that keep me on track and turn any frown on my face upside down :)
- The kids I work with, the many things I learned about disabilities and autism, the people who take the time to teach me.
- The good food, good coffee and great friends to share it with
- The lovely home we created together and the silent moments we spend praying together
- The peace He gave me in the hard times, the happiness He made possible in every small thing
- The many beautiful moments with my parents, the fantastic relationship we have
- The fact that He listened to all my prayers and made me understand His answers
- The fact that we now have an everyday relationship which led to countless memories and blessings which would make this post unbelievably long.
- Last but not least, the courage to write my mind and speak my voice when I feel it's right and the wisdom to know when it isn't.
I am more than thankful for this unbelievable year and I can only hope for a 2018 just as great! Thank you to each and every one of you who take the time to read my blog, you're not just a number to me, my heart rejoices for every view (that's all I get, the number of views, haha) and I can only hope that you enjoy these posts and pray that all of you find what your heart is looking for and are "completely and perfectly and incandescently happy" in all that life has to offer! Happy New Year and thank you for being the small number that brings me great joy!